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Publication date Dec 27, 2024

In between calling and chaos

Publication date Dec 27, 2024

David, the most famous king in the Bible, used to tend sheep before he ruled over people. His journey started when a prophet, Samuel, visited his town and anointed young David to be king (1 Samuel 16:13).

However, even after this extraordinary encounter, his life did not immediately change. David returned to being a shepherd boy and continued being treated by his brothers as their annoying youngest sibling (1 Samuel 17:28). 

It took nearly 15 years from when David was anointed until he became king. 😳

Those 15 years were David’s “in-between” season; he knew where he was headed, but Samuel’s words were far from reality. I’m sure David, at times, would have wondered if that amazing prophecy would ever come true. In the meantime, he had to hide in caves (1 Samuel 24:3), face incredible losses (1 Samuel 30:1-6) and flee for his life (1 Samuel 19:10-18).

Like David, we can experience seasons in which we know what God has promised, but nothing seems to be happening.

David’s response to this "in-between" time is a powerful example of patience and faith. Instead of forcing the outcome, David chose to wait on God’s timing. Twice, he had the chance to kill Saul, the reigning king, and claim his crown (1 Samuel 24  and 1 Samuel 28) but David refrained. He trusted that God, who had anointed him, would fulfil His promise at the right time.

While in exile, he wrote:

“I remain confident of this:will see the goodness of the Lordin the land of the living.Wait for the Lord;be strong and take heartand wait for the Lord.” – Psalm 27:13-14 

David professed what he felt but proclaimed what he knew. 

 friend, if you are facing an “in-between” season, ponder on Psalm 27. Read it out loud, replace words like “enemies” or “trouble” with your specific challenges and pray for them. End with a few minutes of quietly waiting on the Lord.

Hey! You are a Chamatkar.

Cameron Mendes

Worship artist, singer-songwriter, dreamer and passionate about spreading the Gospel.